
Share. Tag 5. Change lives!

This June 30, World Social Media Day, let’s use social media to empower each other. Join the #StrongerYouWithFWD Stories Movement by posting your personal story of strength and together, let’s get spread love and positivity online.

FWD Life Philippines

Your one post can make so much difference in a person’s life. Imagine, a hundred empowering posts.

With #StrongerYouWithFWD Stories Movement, FWD Insurance hopes to spread positivity and strength via people’s personal stories and experiences. And what better time to do it than on World Social Media Day!

Just post their personal stories of struggles that they have successfully overcome or are overcoming and pass it on to 5 people by tagging them so they can also share their stories. Every week in July, FWD will choose the 10 most inspiring stories posted on FB and IG. They will bring home FWD branded items. At the end of the campaign, they will choose the 10 most inspiring story of strength out of all the weekly winners. The final 10 will receive P10,000.

With #StrongerYouWithFWD Stories Movement, FWD aims to remind Filipinos of their strength and get them to celebrate the struggles that make them strong and the people who inspire them and push them to be strong, so they can live life with less worries and really celebrate living.


Here’s the contest mechanics.

  1. Post your StrongerYou story—the hardest and lifechanging challenge in your life that you were able to overcome or are successfully overcoming and how you overcame it.
    Include the statement: “I am __(your name)__. And I am #StrongerThan__(your struggle, challenge or hardship)__.” E.g., #strongerthanmyillness, #strongerthanlosingajob, etc.
    Example: “I am Juan Dela Cruz And I am #StrongerThanCancer. I have been diagnosed with cancer and have been undergoing chemotherapy now. It’s hard but I learned to live more and to appreciate life. Only a couple more years to go and I will hopefully be cancer-free!
  2. Include a photo or video.
    Photo: Must show/represent how you were able to overcome your life’s most difficult challenge or struggle.
    Video/IG Story: Shoot a video or IG Story of you sharing your StrongerYou story. State “I am __(your name)__. And I am #StrongerThan__(your struggle, challenge or hardship)__.” E.g., #strongerthanmyillness. If it’s an IG Story, make sure it is posted on your wall.
  3. Use the hashtag #StrongerYouWithFWD and #FWDPH.
  4. Tag 5 friends and invite them to share their own StrongerYou story.
  5. Tag FWD Life PH’s IG or FB.
  6. Set your post to public.
  7. The 10 most inspiring StrongerYou stories for the week will receive FWD branded items—five (5) from FB and five (5) from IG.
  8. At the end of the campaign, the final 10 most inspiring StrongerYou stories will receive P10,000 each.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Contest is open to people, 18 years old and above.
  2. Employees and financial advisors of FWD PH are not allowed to join.
  3. Contest will run from June 30, 2021 to August 22, 2021.
  4. There is no purchase requirement to join this contest.
  5. Contest entries and its components may be used for FWD’s content, ads, and efforts.
  6. Weekly winners will be announced every Monday on FWD’s FB and IG pages.
  7. Entries from previous weeks are still eligible to win as weekly winners provided that they have not won before.
  8. The Final Ten (10) winners will be coming from the pool of weekly winners.
  9. FWD will get in touch with the winners via direct message on FB or IG.
  10. FWD may ask for additional photos, messages, video interviews, or testimonials, which will be used in FWD’s promotional ads, content, and efforts.
  11. Winners may also be contacted for promotional information about FWD products, services, and other offers, from time to time. Your information will be deleted after a reasonable time, unless you inform us to do so earlier.
  12. Raffle prizes not claimed within sixty (60) days will be forfeited.
  13. Prizes are non-transferrable.
  14. This promo is launched and handled by FWD. 
  15. FWD reserves the right to cancel or amend the contest and these terms and conditions. Any changes to the contest will be shown on FWD's official website (
  16. Validation of winners will be held at the FWD head office at the 9th Floor, W Fifth Building, 5th Avenue corner 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City.
  17. FWD’s decision, to be done by or in the presence of three (3) FWD representatives, is final and irrevocable.