Money and insurance

Easy money-saving ideas to cut down on costs, not fun

Do you ever find yourself wondering where your pay check went, even after a few years in the workforce? You’re not alone. Budgeting is serious business, and we all know it’s important. But whatever amount we have to work with, we all have small luxuries and “auto-add-to-cart” habits that matter to us, and even these may have risen in price as well.

How do we make that work? We all wish we could earn more, but we can also do more with what we have. With summer spending on its way, let's talk cutting costs without cutting lifestyle.

FWD Life Philippines

Know yourself. No judgment. 

First, get real about your money personality. Are you a gastador who treats themselves regularly? A kuripot who loves bargain hunting, or a head-in-the-sand ostrich about money tasks?  Understanding yourself will help you pick a money plan you can stick to.

To find this plan, go with what’s worked for you. If you find yourself looking for an update or upgrade, where else to turn but social media?  Scroll through TikTok and IG, and you’ll find plenty of personal finance hacks, from everyday Pinoys and regular folks worldwide. Search "#moneysavingideas" or "#moneywins" for nuggets on investing, budgeting, side hustles and more.  Find gurus you enjoy watching, with relatable goals and suggestions you can use. If you’re more old-school, search “budget printables” and try a few until you find one you like. You’ll also find plenty of tips right on this blog.

Scaling back doesn't mean you have to give up fun – just focus on what really makes your version of "a good life.” Maybe it's experiences not stuff, family time, or quality vs quantity. However you update your money habits, go for an ongoing balance between needs and wants, one where you feel you have more than enough.


Budol to budget: money moves you can explore

  • Review monthly expenses: food delivery, subscription services, rideshares, hobbies that use fancy gear or tickets. Keep the best, cancel the rest. Small savings add up!
  • List your short -and long-term financial goals, like a vacation or downpayment. Visualizing the reward makes it easier to skip impulse buys.
  • Examine your spending patterns. Are there stresses, situations, or even calendar dates or people that trigger you to bust your budget? You may not be able to avoid them entirely – but to be aware is to be prepared.
  • Involve your friends. Do you find yourself splurging to “keep up?” Be open about your budget goal, so you won’t need excuses to skip pricey activities. Or start a group savings challenge. You’ll keep each other on track, and they’ll probably thank you for it.
  • When you do shop, work those loyalty programs, cashback offers and group buys. Online coupons and vouchers can also be a big help.
  • Kick the auto-renew habit. Check for trial offers you might have forgotten about. Do your research on rates for internet, gym memberships, etc. and be ready to negotiate once the contracts are up.
  • Manage your credit cards via balance transfers or consolidation loans. Pay down the highest interest debts first.
  • Plan your meals and cook at home. Get creative with meal prep, or make it a party where the group shares the work and ingredients and leaves with a few healthy, tasty meals for the week.
  • Trade clothes, gadgets, books, and other pre-loved items through swap groups instead of buying new. You get some home space and "new to you" stuff for free.
  • Become an expert on nearly-free fun: parks, hiking, museums, galleries, free online classes and local festivals or markets. You’ll be surprised what’s around you.

In sum, treat yourself reasonably for your mental health. Leave some flexibility in your budget for life's little pleasures and big surprises.

Scaling back doesn't mean the fun is over. Forming a budgeting habit takes trial and error, but it gets easier. The key is to be practical, consistently track your expenses and adjust as needed. Look for apps and templates that can automate this process until it’s second nature to you.

So go forth and slay those financial goals. With creativity, a sense of humor and a little basic planning, you can enjoy your best life tomorrow without depriving yourself today.


Need a fresh eye on your financial goals? To schedule a financial assessment session and know how much you need at this stage in your life, click here.