Health and Fitness

How can you take care of your holistic health?

Many of us take health for granted. Perhaps we don’t even know what health means beyond the obvious. If you’ve ever wondered how to approach your health holistically, a workshop on December 18 will guide and inspire you to kickstart your journey towards celebrating the joy of wellbeing.

By Monique Therese Avila

Every year starts off the same. We reflect on our past and look to our future, hopeful that the best is yet to come. We break out our pen and paper and begin writing down our new year’s resolutions lists. Every new year is seen as a fresh start, a blank slate.

But a year that was defined by a global pandemic may require resolutions that are more than the usual ideas of losing weight or spending less money. COVID-19 is affecting every aspect of our lives: physical, emotional, mental, social, and financial. For 2022, it’s important that we assess our wellbeing so that we can take stock, prepare, and take action towards living our best life.

A holistic approach to wellness is important to achieve a happier and better quality of life. This means nurturing the four pillars of health and wellbeing: physical, emotional and mental, financial, and social, to live more fulfilling, healthier lives.

What are the 4 pillars of health and wellbeing?

Physical wellbeing

This pillar is about recognizing that our daily habits and behaviors have an impact on our overall health, wellbeing, and quality of life. Activities like regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, and practicing proper sleep hygiene are necessary to help deal with stress. Self-love, or being good to yourself, will help you develop your physical wellbeing.

Emotional and mental wellbeing

This pillar helps people think, feel and act in ways that create a positive impact on their overall state. Mindfulness, being aware of your emotional state, and practicing self-care strategies for your mental health can all contribute to emotional and mental balance. In today’s noisy digitally centric life, you must develop emotional and mental wellbeing to cope better.


Financial wellbeing

This pillar is about enabling people to have control over their financial future. Putting your money into suitable investments, tracking your day-to-day spending with a manageable budget, and developing a financial plan can help promote financial wellness. Financial preparedness can help eliminate unnecessary worries and let you focus on the more significant things in life.


Social wellbeing

This pillar is about social health, or the ability of individuals to form healthy and rewarding interpersonal relationships with their community and environment. With our ability to see our friends and family hampered by COVID restrictions, it is all the more important to reach out and check in even through the virtual space. Building good relationships that warm the heart can bring us joy.


To help us better identify our total wellbeing goals for 2022, FWD is holding a virtual event, “Be the Stronger, Better You in 2022: A Physical, Mental and Emotional, Social and Financial Wellbeing Workshop” this December 18, 9AM.

It will feature informative sessions from the best subject matter experts: fitness to the stars Coaches Jim and Toni Saret, psychologist Dr. Shake Hocson, personal finance guru Marvin Germo, FWD Chief Agency Officer Jun Marasigan, pet advocates Dr. Hanna Palomar and Dr. Kathryn Tan, and TOWNS and TOYM awardee Dr. Ging Zamora.

Register for FREE at Participants have the chance to win exciting prizes such as iPad, Garmin watches, 1-year VIU subscriptions, or Healthy Options vouchers.