Health and Wellbeing

5 things you need to do when working from home

Working from home has its never-ending distractions and if you keep giving in, your work could be at risk. What you need is a strategy to stay focused. Here are five ways to slay it at home.

FWD Life Philippines

No demanding boss so early in the morning. No traffic. No need to get along with officemates and their complicated personalities. What’s not to love about working from home?

Well, not until your googly-eyed dog paws at you or your child begs to play. Sure, not having to wake up super early for your daily commute may seem great but working from home also requires superhuman effort to stay focused and on track with your deliverables.

So here are some great work-from-home tips that may boost your productivity, meet your deadlines, and stay motivated despite not having a boss breathing down your neck.

1. Have a dedicated work space.

Set up a space that allows you to stay on task. This should be an area where you get the least disruptions. Think of it as your office space and even if you’re home, you need to treat it as such. Look for a space that’s close to a window where you can get natural light. Research shows regular exposure to daylight leads to increased productivity.

2. Get Dressed.

The line, “dress for success,” still applies even when your office space is a few steps from your bedroom. In a conference call, you are more likely to feel motivated when you’re well-dressed than if you were just in your pajamas. The phenomenon is called “enclothed cognition .” So make sure you get dressed every day in a way that makes you feel confident and at your best.

3. Create a Schedule.

Because distractions can be your no. 1 downfall when you work from home, setting a schedule will help you stay productive and not feel out of control. Include meal times and break times. Know the ebb and flow of your day. For example, if your kids arrive from school at 5pm daily, then start your work schedule early so you can call it a day by the time they come rushing in through the door.

4. Live within your means.

To keep yourself from getting sidetracked, it’s important to know how you’re spending your time. With no one to look over your shoulder, there’s nothing to stop you from falling into the rabbit hole that is Facebook or YouTube.

There are free apps you can download to help you track the time you spend on numerous tasks. For example, Be Focused helps you manage your daily tasks with a focus timer and goal tracker for work.

If you get distracted by Facebook, Youtube, or any of the sites you frequently visit, you can use apps like Self-Control which can block these sites for a specific period of time.