
5 tips to save for that big trip you’ve always dreamed of taking as a couple

What’s better than going on your dream trip? It’s going with your significant other. Here’s how both of you can financially prepare for that journey.

FWD Life Philippines

Visiting world-famous landmarks, going on an exotic food trip, and being able to visit beaches and towns that are off-the-beaten track are all good things to have on your bucket list.

You know what’s even better though? Going with your significant other (SO). Many couples unfortunately forego a memorable vacation together because of how much it costs.

Going on that dream trip doesn’t have to be just a dream. Here are 5 ways to help you save money and get you and your SO to your destination.

1. Open a dedicated travel account.
If you already have a destination in mind, it’s easier to set a target amount and a savings deadline. If you’re still not decided on where to go, just open the account anyway and simply adjust the amount later on. The important thing is that you both agree on how much money each will be depositing regularly to the fund. Whether you’re saving for a luxury weekend at the beach or a trip to Europe, it could be as little as P2,500 per payday for each of you.

Regularly update yourselves on the growth of your savings. This fund should be “untouchable”—no random withdrawals from the account without the approval of the other. Since there are two of you contributing to the fund, you should reach your target amount—and your dream destination—sooner rather than later.


2. Clean up, save up.

You probably have some valuable items that you are no longer using just sitting idly at home. Do a spring cleaning and see which ones you can sell and convert to savings. Not only is this a great way to declutter, it’s also an efficient way to generate funds for your travel account. Just make sure to consult with your partner on the items you will be selling.


3. Track and manage your daily expenses.

You’ll be surprised to see that the “cheap” takeout you pay for every day, when added up, can already cost you a plane ticket. People don’t usually notice it but small things really do add up.

Do note though that it’s not about depriving yourselves. You can still go out on occasion, but you need to be more conscious about the cost and frequency. You’ll realize that you’d be better off allocating these funds to your travel savings.


4. Do extra work.
If you want to speed up your savings, you can both take on a bit of extra work to earn money. There are plenty of things you can do together, like opening a weekend pop-up store (in case you really have a lot of stuff to clear out) or walking other people’s dogs. You don’t have to be together doing the extra work, but the point is that your earnings from these extra jobs will all be going to your travel fund. It’s still teamwork even if you’re not doing the same thing together.

5. Save up on gifts.
Instead of getting each other expensive gifts during special occasions like monthsaries (yes, that is still totally a thing), just agree to make a special deposit to your joint travel fund. Think of it as a form of delayed gratification for you both. You may not be able get a special gift right now from your SO, but that dream vacation of yours will soon be possible, thanks to your commitment to save up for it. And that’s a gift you two will enjoy more than anything else.

Get ready to celebrate life’s enjoyable moments

You need peace of mind when you’re traveling and the best way to have this is to protect yourself from the uncertainties of when you step out. Check out FWD Life Insurance’s 3-in-1 Protection bundle, which gives life, accident, and critical illness protection; and explore FWD’s Accident Bundle to protect you from the unexpected, and KanMend for easy critical illness coverage.