Family and relationships

Protection you can give from thousands of miles away

Give your family the financial protection they need in these uncertain times.

FWD Life Philippines

It’s now so easy to connect to family and friends. Thanks to video calls and instant messaging, they are often just a call or chat away, regardless of what lockdown classification we are in—ECQ, GCQ, MECQ. But even if you get to talk to them every day and are basically just a ‘quarantine pass’ away from an actual visit, there’s that niggling worry at the back of our minds—what if something happens and we’re not there?

Protection OFWs can depend on

Financial protection is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. A lot of us just realized that now during the pandemic. But for OFWs, who are often their family’s breadwinners, it’s all the more important. Insurance plans are your backups when the unexpected happens. And sometimes, it can even be your fall back.

So, don’t just think about how much you’ll earn every month and how much your family needs. Think more long-term. Think 15 to 20 years from now. Think how you can get your hard-earned money to work for you. And think how you can secure your future and your family’s future—not in the coming years, but right now.

All-in-one plan for OFWs

FWD Family Hero is a plan that gives your family protection from financial emergencies like hospitalization, critical illness, disability, and death. Plus, it also allows you to potentially grow your hard-earned money thru investments in different funds.

While it can be availed by anyone, it is perfect for OFW families because it provides comprehensive protection, combining both life and critical illness protection, hospitalization, and investment in one plan. This gives them the financial back up plan they need to bounce back—just in case.

But if you are on a budget (and understandably so in this economy) and you’re looking to just have protection, a safety net, for just a couple of years or you just want to test the waters, look to­­­­ FWD Set for Tomorrow. It’s a short-term insurance plan that can financially protect you . What’s great for OFWs is it offers additional benefit when death happens abroad. Though for now OFWs can only purchase insurance when they are here in the Philippines, it should not stop you from planning and protecting your future.

In times of uncertainty, give yourself that bit of peace of mind that your family and your future is covered no matter what happens. Talk to an FWD financial advisor: and start living with less worries this pandemic! Exclusions, including pre-existing conditions, apply.