
7 other ways you can invest your money instead of buying the iPhone 13

The most anticipated smartphone phone of the year is finally out. Apple recently released the iPhone 13 and its smaller counterpart iPhone 13 Mini is out to rave reviews. But, retailing at around PhP40,000-70,000 (depending on storage capacity), do you need a super expensive new phone? Before you rush to the nearest store, here are some other ways you can spend your hard-earned money.

FWD Life Philippines

You’re eyeing the new iPhone 13 and seriously considering letting go of your current smartphone. Maybe it’s your way of giving yourself a treat this Christmas, or perhaps you just like owning the latest model that’s out in the market. Press the pause button for a moment.

Before you whip out your credit card, ask yourself why you’re buying the new iPhone? How different are the specs from your current phone? Is your current phone about to break down? Are you financially flexible to afford the iPhone 13?

If you’re a bit hesitant after answering all those questions, then you might not need a new mobile phone. While it’s still ultimately your choice, allow us to present a couple of alternative ways you can spend your cash. Here are some options that’ll give you more bang for your buck!


1. Pay Off Any Outstanding Credit Card Debt

This is going to sound boring, but it makes sense. Paying off credit card debt will free you from all that compounded interest that keeps you bogged down and paying just the bare minimum every month. If you have a substantial outstanding balance, use the money to wipe the slate clean and save yourself thousands of pesos on interest payments over the next year.


2. Get a Health Insurance

If you aren’t currently insured, we urge you to research your options. Get yourself not only basic health insurance but also some life insurance as well. The great news is insurance packages now usually double as investment plans. You can make money while being protected from any sudden illness or unforeseen events that may render you unable to continue earning a living.


3. Start Your Own Small Business

Why not use that PhP50,000 to launch your empire? You may argue that it is not enough, but other businesses have started with less and have gone on to become wildly successful. Really. Starting your own business may be one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. It gives you the freedom to be your own boss.


4. Enroll in a short course and learn a new skill

Take an online technical or business course that will build your skills and take you further in your current job. If that doesn’t sound appealing, enroll in a language class. Knowing another language is always an asset, especially if you plan to work overseas. Anything that will expand your horizons and make you a well-rounded individual is a much better investment than a new phone.


5. Invest in stocks or funds

Sure, you may not know about the stock market, but you can invest in a fund wherein someone handles all the technical nitty-gritty, ensuring that your money is in the best possible position to increase in worth and ultimately, make some profit. All you have to do is check now and then to see how your little investment is doing.


6. Go on a trip

You should consider this an investment as any kind of traveling widens one’s horizons. It is always a great way to learn more about other cultures, and at the same time understand yourself and your place in this world. As Anthony Bourdain advocates, “Move as far as you can, as often as you can.”


7. Open a second savings account

Having multiple savings accounts can be useful. Open one without an ATM card, so that you can’t just withdraw money anytime. No, you won’t get that shiny new phone, but you’ll have PhP50,000 in the bank. Add to your fund every so often, and you will find yourself being thankful for this when an emergency comes up.

Have other great ideas that’ll put the iPhone 13 money to good use? Go for it! Don’t limit yourself to this list. No matter how you decide to spend your money, the good news is you will, at the end of the day, have grown your wealth (or at least saved it!) as opposed to just purchasing another gadget.