Health and Fitness

5 Lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight

Is your body ready to head off to the beach or have you flaked on your yearly resolution of losing pounds? If you still need to shed off a few pounds this swimsuit season, here are ways to get you started.

FWD Life Philippines

Many people have different beliefs about weight loss. Here's the one true thing: weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you take it. It's simple mathematics. It doesn't matter how much exercise you do. If you're eating so much, your weight won't go your way. Losing weight – or rather, being fit – has to be a concerted lifestyle effort. You have to eat better, enjoy a regular fitness routine, sleep well, and more. Here are some of the lifestyle adjustments you have to make to achieve physical wellbeing .


1. Get Rid of All the Junk Food Around You

Out of sight, out of mind. If you don’t have chips and cookies conveniently lying around, you’ll be less likely to binge on them while watching TV.


2. Start Walking More

Walking may seem like a minor thing, but it is a great way to burn calories with minimal effort. No equipment needed. No schedule. Just get up and go. It also clears the mind and helps lower stress levels. You won't find any downside to this activity.


3. Cut Down on Your Daily Sugar Consumption

TLDR: You need to ditch the soda, the cupcakes, and the chocolate bars. Those Pinoy snacks you love? You need to say goodbye to them. If you're going to have dessert, lessen the servings/portions you eat or spread an average amount over several days.


4. Hydrate

Don’t forget to drink water! You’ve heard this a thousand times before and are probably sick of it but one more reminder couldn't hurt. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Those mid-afternoon hunger pangs may not be hunger at all. It could be that you are not drinking enough and your body is just in need of more water. Staying hydrated can cut those cravings between meals.


5. Cut Out Weeknight Drinking Sessions

Zapping your after-work alcohol habit will guarantee weight loss. You may not realize it, but each bottle of beer or cocktail you order has at least a hundred calories in it. Multiply that by the number of bottles you down each night—say, a conservative three bottles—and you’ve added at least 300 to 500 calories to your daily count!

You can’t shed all the unwanted fat over a weekend, and fad diets are never a long-term solution if you want to keep the weight off, permanently. Studies have shown that small but consistent lifestyle changes are what ultimately work in the battle with the bulge. Stick with the program and over time, you’ll find yourself slipping back into those string bikinis and out shopping for new tops and skinny jeans!

While the science behind weight loss is all about counting calories, your mental and emotional, financial, and even social wellbeing can affect your pants size. Never forget that your health goes beyond one aspect of your life, FWD Life Insurance sure doesn’t. Total wellbeing is possible with our insurance plans that tick the boxes your health needs. Check out Set For Health, Health Bundle, and KanMend for more details.

To get started on your path to holistic wellness, schedule an appointment with a financial advisor now.