
10 Healthy habits you can sneak into your lifestyle

Let’s be honest: following a healthy lifestyle isn’t always easy. Most people think exercising or eating vegetables is a drag. Here are some tips to introduce healthy habits into your life without making much such a big change.

FWD Life Philippines

Having a healthy lifestyle helps us avoid getting ill, lengthen our lifespans, and can even help us save money (the fewer visits to the doctor, the more savings you’ll gain, right!?).

But while we might know the benefits of staying healthy, not everyone may find it easy to do. It can be quite daunting to live a healthy lifestyle and work on your total wellbeing, especially when being unhealthy can be so much easier.

While being healthy is important, there is no need to pressure yourself to become a fitness buff overnight. Take it one step at a time, and soon you’ll be able to design a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

Gradually work towards a healthier you by incorporating these habits into your everyday routine.


Have a Healthy Breakfast
As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And with good reason— you’re “breaking the fast” that your body went through while you were asleep. Having a substantial meal for breakfast can help you clear your head and energize you for the day ahead. High fiber, protein-rich meals like oatmeal and eggs are some easy-to-prepare options to start your mornings.

Eat Well by Chewing Properly
As difficult as it is to imagine in this fast-paced world, it’s important to savor your dining experience. Slowing down by chewing your food longer helps you enjoy your food more and makes you feel more satisfied. This makes you less hungry, and less prone to choking accidentally, too!

Eat Until You’re Satisfied
Make sure to eat until you’re satisfied, not until you’re full. These are two different things— satisfaction is when you’ve eaten enough, while being full is when you’ve eaten too much. You can tell which is which by how heavy your stomach feels. The more you overeat, the more your stomach stretches to accommodate, and this can make you less healthy.

Drink More Water 
It’s common knowledge that hydration is crucial. Unfortunately, not all of us adhere to the recommended amount of water daily because there are so many other drinking options out there. If you’re into flavored drinks, try flavored water as substitute (or flavor your water naturally—lemon water tastes great and has health benefits, too!). Having a reusable water bottle nearby can also help remind you to drink more often.

Move More Often 
Exercise can be a big ask for most people, so how about committing to moving more, instead? Staying active doesn’t need to be limited to the gym. It can be as simple as taking a 10-minute walk during your lunch break, using a standing desk at work, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Being more active can help improve your health and your mental wellbeing, too.

Do fun workouts
If you’ve decided to try exercising, try different types of workouts to see what best fits your personality. Having fun while exercising can help motivate you to do it more often, instead of feeling like it’s an obligation you have to get through. Love to dance? Dance workouts on YouTube are a dime a dozen and mostly free, too! Working is no longer an excuse for not working out. Many physical activities cater to the busy, cubicle-dwelling set.

Practice Proper Posture
It might seem simplistic, but a good posture can help prevent aches and pains. In this work-from-home environment, you might be using a chair that's inefficient for long-term office use. It’s best to remind yourself regularly to sit properly—a post-it might be helpful. If you can invest in better furniture, ergonomic office chairs are an effective way to save your back from future pain.

Take a Tech Break
Whether it’s eye strain, lack of sleep, or increased anxiety, too much technology can be detrimental to your health. We have to use gadgets in moderation to protect our overall health. Take time out of your day to turn off your devices and spend it with your family instead. Or make your phone work for you—your phone’s "Do Not Disturb" features can help you avoid getting distracted by your screen. You can also set an alarm that would remind you to turn off gadgets or rest your eyes.

Try Meditation
Another way of making technology work for you is by using meditation apps to help clear your mind. Regular meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety, and health issues. If apps aren’t for you, you can try yoga, prayer, or purposeful breathing exercises, instead. Perhaps, you can also adopt a mantra to combat stress.

Add a Half-Hour to Your Sleep and Wake Times
Sleep helps us recharge after a busy and exhausting day. But as much as we love to sleep, it can be challenging for us to get in bed. Try going to bed a half-hour earlier so that you can settle in and sleep better. Make sure to avoid your phone so the blue light won’t keep you up.

Once you’ve set a good sleep routine, you’ll find it easier to wake up earlier in the morning. The temptation to sleep in is great, but waking up early actually makes you more productive for the day ahead. You’ll also find that an early start is less rushed—you’ll be enjoying your cup of coffee more because you have more time to spare.

Living a healthy lifestyle may be challenging at first, but baby steps can help you get there. Part of staying healthy also includes investing in your protection. You can choose from FWD’s three health and wellbeing insurance plans, Set For Health, KanMend, and Health Bundle. Schedule a virtual appointment with an FWD Financial Advisor if you want to discover more.